I am a Muslim and I am a follower of Ahl us-Sunnah wal Jamma’ah i.e. those Muslims who follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah (i.e. the sayings, actions and consent of the Messenger Muhammad (saw)) according to the understanding of the Sahabah (i.e. his companions).
I believe that Islam is something that we must believe in (Tawheed), live by (Shari’ah) and be willing to call for and sacrifice for (by way of Daw’ah and Jihad).
As a Muslim I believe that Islam is superior and will never be surpassed by any other belief or ideology in every aspect of life. There is no better way of life for mankind than that of Al-Islam. Indeed Islam has a solution to every single problem that mankind faces or could face from the time of the Messenger Muhammad (saw) until the day of judgement.
I also believe firmly in the concept of Izhar ud-Deen i.e. the domination of the world by Islam. This is the purpose that Allah (SWT) sent his Prophet Muhammad (saw) to the world with the Deen (ideology) of truth and the guidance, no matter what the disbelievers or polytheists may think or say.
My Sheikh via whom Allah (SWT) has guided me to the understanding that I have today is Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad (contactable on his mobile in Lebanon 00961 70957759), May Allah (SWT) preserve him and protect him. I believe that he is one of the few true scholars today who have the fortitude to speak the truth and to sacrifice for what they believe no matter what the consequences are to himself.
I believe that one day Britain and indeed every part of the world (including the rest of Europe, USA, China and Russia etc…) will be governed by and under the authority of the Muslims implementing Islamic Law. This is something that I believe in and strive to see Insha’Allah.
Al-Hamdulillah (praise be to Allah) that he has guided me to the understanding that I have today and that I am not amongst those who believe in the false Gods of Democracy and Freedom or who worship the Presidents, Kings and Prime Ministers by obeying them or who submits to any man made law as opposed to the divine law (i.e. the Shari’ah).
I am happy to debate and discuss the above with anyone from any background or religion or ideology (see the contact page).
Verily the truth is so clear and apparent and the falsehood is so evidently obscure and weak.
May Allah (SWT) shower his peace, mercy and blessings upon all those who follow the guidance.
Source: http://www.anjemchoudary.com/
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